Reading Week 13 Part A

The Tortoise and the Geese

- lived in a pond

- tortoise grew indignant

The Fox, the Hen, and the Drum

- fox searched for food

- found a drum

The Carpenter and the Ape

- ape watched the carpenter

- ape tried to split boards

- ape was caught in the boards

The Poor Man and the Flask of Oil

- lived with a wealthy merchant

- sell sheep

- oil ran over him

The Rich man and the Bundle of Wood

- rich and stingy

- purchasing wood from a poor man

- sticks caught fire

- rich man became poor

The Scorpion and the Tortoise

- friends

- tortoise helped scorpion across the stream

- scorpion tried to sting tortoise

- tortoise put scorpion underwater

The Youth, the Hawk, and the Raven

- youth wandering through the forest 

- hawk circling tree

- youth stayed in the house

The Bleacher, the Crane, and the Hawk

- washed clothes at the river every morning 

- hawk in pursuit of a quail

- simple-minded crane

The Three Fish

- three fish lived in peace and happiness

- fisherman threw them back 

- one fish was served at the King's table

The Ape and the Boar

- took up with abode

- desert

- ape shook a fig tree

- boar was angry



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