Narayan's Mahabharata: Reading Parts A and B
- Shantanu is the King of Hastinapura
- He falls in love with a woman he meets by the river
- The woman drowns their newborn babies in the river
- He protests at the 8th child
- The wife explains that the river Ganga incarnated in this form to give birth to eight gods
- By drowning the babies, Ganga returns them to heaven
- The 8th child is Bhishma
- Shantanu falls in love with Satyavati
- They have two sons
- Vichitravirya dies without sons
- Dhritarashrta is born blind
- Pandu is born very pale
- Vindura is born without flaws
- Dhritashtra marries Gandhari
- Pandu is cursed from killing a deer and will die when making love
- Susharman is one of Duryodhana's allies
- Peace is encouraged
- Shakuni suggests to Duryodhana to get revenge on the Pandavas in a game of dice
- Bhima swears to get revenge on Duryodhana
- Draupadi frees her four husbands with a wish
- Pandavas go into exile, twelve years in poverty, one year in disguise
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