Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part A
- Two kings: Dasharatha and Janaka
- Dasharatha: ruler of the Koshala kingdom
- king in the Solar dynasty
- Takes place in the city of Ayodhya
- pretty and prosperous
- No sons, Three Queens
- Two priests
- Horse sacrifice
- Sarayu river
- Chief Wife: Kaushalya
- Gods promise 4 sons
- Ravana can't be defeated by gods, only humans or monkeys
- Ravana comes down as a human avatar
- To defeat Ravana, Vishnu is born on earth as a human
- Vishnu ends up being Rama, Dasharatha's son
- Heaven of Brahma
- Rama, most beautiful child
- Vashistha: wise
- Young men
- Vishvamitra wants Rama and Lakshmana to battle demons
- Beginning of manhood
- Jungle
- Woman: Thataka
- Rama challenged her with a bow
- Cut off her arms
- Thataka became invisible
- Rama killed her
- Celestial weapons appeared
- Brahmins brought up a sacrifice
- Ganga: the river of Ganges
- Sagar Island where she descended
- Stolen horse
- Ganga entered the underworld
- Ashes of 60,000 sons of Sagara
- Abandoned hermitage
- Gautama and beautiful wife
- Indra disguised himself
- Ahalya: wife
- Gautama cursed Indra and Ahalya
- Form of stone
- Rama will end the curse
- Rama falls in love with Sita
- Sita is the goddess Lakshmi
- They share heavenly and eternal love
- Challenge for men to marry Sita
- Sita: Daughter of King Janaka
- A suitor must bend the bow of the god Shiva
- Rama wins challenge
- Sita is his bride
- Avatar of Vishnu
- Rama gets a new weapon
- Appears in the Mahabhrata
- Rama and Sita marry
- Rama's brothers marry too
- Dasharatha needs son to carry on the royal line
- Must decide which son will carry on the royal line
- Rama's installation
- Youngest wife: Kaikeyi
- Mother of Bharata
- Eldest queen: Kaushalya
- Manthra: servant, not happy with Rama bring the crown prince
- Bharata: heir
- Rama sent to exile
- Goes with Vishvamitra to fight the rakshasas
- Obeys to go into exile
- Sita and Lakshmana go with him
- Announces that he will go into exile
- They leave Ayodhya
- Cross Ganges
- 14 years of exile
- Put aside royal clothing
- Wear hair in Jata style
- Revelation
- Remembers cursing his son
- His suffering is karma
- Dies
- Two wives: Kaushalya and Sumitra
- No sons present at the time of death
- Rama and Lakshmana in exile
- Bharata and Shatrughan in the Kingdom of Ashwapati
Bibliography: Sources used: M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder.
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